Altura Learning Australia - Inspiring learning that improves the quality of life

Today we’ll recognise Altura Learning as a provider of online care training courses, however that was not always the case. If we teleport back to the 1980s, we’ll realise that the so-called internet we currently have was not even accessible to the public. Believe it or not, the Altura we love today started off on the television as a satellite training network broadcasting throughout Australia with their main target audience being doctors and pharmacists.  

So how did they become what they are today? In the 1990s Altura discovered a gap in the market in the care sector in which there was a lack of inspiration, quality information and best practises on how to support the elderly. Hence the Aged Care Channel (ACC TV) was launched in 2003 in Sydney as an innovative learning channel. Wait, so Altura wasn’t called Altura? ACC TV became so prevalent across Australia that nearly two in every three care facilities became ACC members - a whopping 66% market share. So what next? In 2009 ACC was launched in the UK with their main focus being residential care providers. New Zealand & Ireland welcomed the arrival of the Aged Care Channel in 2017. A year later in 2017 ACC rebranded and became Altura Learning as we recognise today with their new-high software and video technology. Why the name Altura? The word ‘Altura’ was inspired by the two words ‘altruism’ and ‘altitude’ conveying a genuine passion to aim higher and the desire to improve the quality of life of the elderly by educating Care providers through their media-rich aged care courses.

Let’s discuss Altura’s shift from traditional broadcasting on TV to a more modern, digital approach. The Digital industry has progressed rapidly through the 00s and the 10s, so much so that Altura changed their approach by creating their videos and uploading them on their website through a Learning Management System (LMS). We have a Learning & Development team on site when we film real-life scenarios as well as interviewing real people to ensure its relevancy and relatability; maintaining high quality practises is what makes Altura, well Altura.

Now we know how & why ACC became Altura Learning, let’s say it’s been an innovative journey. What is LMS? A Learning Management System is a software application allowing you to gain access to online courses with the ability to track and assess a learner's progress. Altura takes this to the next level with an innovative ‘Bridge LMS’. Usually, you will either have to sacrifice quality content or a quality Learning Management System, with Bridge LMS, Altura’s care providers neither have to sacrifice content nor a quality Learning Management system, meaning that you can access our courses anytime, anywhere and on any device. One of the reasons we recommend Bridge LMS is to help you develop your employees through high quality, never-ending learning & development. 

However, if you have your own LMS system you can access our entire library of aged care courses by downloading our SCORM file and uploading it onto your LMS. You can access Altura Learning’s entire course material at


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